
In addition to sharing my own story, I also want to be able to use this blog to make people aware of resources that were helpful to me in my own journey to finding peace between who I am as a spiritual being and who I am in terms of my sexual identity.  There are also items listed here that may be of help to others whose journey may be similar but not identical to mine.

The God Box

This fiction book by Alex Sanchez was able to speak to me when theological and scriptural arguments began to sound like noise to me.  I love all of Alex Sanchez's books, but this one specifically deals with the issue of homosexuality and faith.

Alex Sanchez also maintains a list of spiritual resources on his website to assist people of multiple religious backgrounds with resources that might be useful to them.  Spiritual Reources on

Ex-Gay No Way

The next book was a great help to me after I had already accepted myself as someone who is both gay and a person of faith.  It was helpful to me to hear from someone who was way on the other side of the battle that I was just emerging from and to see the good that he had been able to do on the other side of the fight.

Reconciling Ministries Network

Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) is a growing movement of United Methodist individuals, congregations, campus ministries, and other groups working for the full participation of all people in The United Methodist Church.

The Trevor Project

Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24.